Run Shopify App without the App Bridge

This post wants to explain how to run a Shopify'app outside the cli and the app bridge.

Please pay attention, you won't be able to use anything from the App Bridge API. The installation process is also affected, since you won't be able to install the app without it.

Let's start with the Shopify Remix Template setup, one of the main file is the shopify.server.ts:


import "@shopify/shopify-app-remix/adapters/node";
import {
} from "@shopify/shopify-app-remix/server";
import { PrismaSessionStorage } from "@shopify/shopify-app-session-storage-prisma";
import { restResources } from "@shopify/shopify-api/rest/admin/2024-07";
import prisma from "./db.server";
const shopify = shopifyApp({
apiKey: process.env.SHOPIFY_API_KEY,
apiSecretKey: process.env.SHOPIFY_API_SECRET || "",
apiVersion: ApiVersion.October24,
scopes: process.env.SCOPES?.split(","),
appUrl: process.env.SHOPIFY_APP_URL || "",
authPathPrefix: "/auth",
sessionStorage: new PrismaSessionStorage(prisma),
distribution: AppDistribution.AppStore,
future: {
unstable_newEmbeddedAuthStrategy: true,
? { customShopDomains: [process.env.SHOP_CUSTOM_DOMAIN] }
: {}),
export default shopify;
export const apiVersion = ApiVersion.October24;
export const addDocumentResponseHeaders = shopify.addDocumentResponseHeaders;
export const authenticate = shopify.authenticate;
export const unauthenticated = shopify.unauthenticated;
export const login = shopify.login;
export const registerWebhooks = shopify.registerWebhooks;
export const sessionStorage = shopify.sessionStorage;

It exports a bunch of utilities, but the one we are interested in is the authenticate one. It has a bunch of methods to check if a request is from Shopify Admin, Shopify Flow, a Shopify Webhook etc.

You should use it as the first call of each loader and action in all your routes:


export const loader = async ({ request }: LoaderFunctionArgs) => {
await authenticate.admin(request);
return "This request is from Shopify Admin!";

A great convention you can use is to run your embedded app within the /app layout, in this way you can configure common react contexts to be shared across the app. Also, you may like to have the /webhook route on the first level, not something like /app/webhook

The problem with await authenticate.admin(request) is that it throws a redirect response to the authPathPrefix you defined above, so we simply need the call to not throw.

The solution is quite easy, we need to encapsulate the logic for it, returning one thing from the session when we want to run the app outside the app bridge.

I said "one thing from the session" because it is unlikely you are using the prisma Session model to save your business logic, I bet you have a Shop model where you save your data, maybe from the afterAuth hook.

If that's the case excellent, you may have something like the following:


model Session {
id String @id
shop String
state String
isOnline Boolean @default(false)
scope String?
expires DateTime?
accessToken String
userId BigInt?
firstName String?
lastName String?
email String?
accountOwner Boolean @default(false)
locale String?
collaborator Boolean? @default(false)
emailVerified Boolean? @default(false)
model Shop {
id String @id @default(cuid())
shopifyDomain String @unique
accessToken String

Do you see the point here? We actually do not need the session if we already have the shopifyDomain (It is the one in the form <name>, you can find it in the column).

Let's write now some logic to handle this, we want to run our app with a shopifyDomain we define, something like:

export async function requireShopifyDomain(request: Request) {
if(process.env.NODE_ENV === "development" && process.env.RUN_AS_SHOPIFY_DOMAIN) {
const shopifyDomain = process.env.RUN_AS_SHOPIFY_DOMAIN;
return shopifyDomain;
const { session } = await authenticate.admin(request);

Excellent, we can retrieve now the shopifyDomain we define as an env, just in development to avoid any potential issue while running in production.

Let's write now a simple utility to handle all loaders requests in the same way:

export function handleLoaderRequest<T>(
request: Request,
callback: (shopifyDomain: string) => Promise<T>
) {
const shopifyDomain = await requireShopifyDomain(request);
return await callback(shopifyDomain);

With this our loader gets updated like the following:


export const loader = async ({ request }: LoaderFunctionArgs) => {
return handleLoaderRequest(request, async (shopifyDomain) => {
return "This request is from Shopify Admin... probably.";

You may now ask yourself: "Great, but I have no way to access the GraphQL admin". You are right, it is not possible to access it in this way, but the Shopify GraphQL client is not the only client out here.

A great replacement for it is Genql, to build the client for the shop we only need two things: the shopify domain and the access token.

So let's start with a little model to get the info about the shop:


export async function findShop(shopifyDomain: string) {
where: {

After this let's set up the GraphQL schema for Genql, simply run the following command:

npx genql --endpoint "https://<name>" -S --output "app/lib/genql/generated.server" -H "X-Shopify-Access-Token: <access token>" --esm

Replace the <name> and <access token> with some real data (you can also use the data from a test store, the command is just needed to generate the graphql schema).

Let's now create the little utility we will use to generate the graphql client:


import { createClient } from "./generated.server";
export * from "./generated.server";
type CreateGenqlClientArgs = {
shopifyDomain: string;
accessToken: string;
export function createGenqlClient({
}: CreateGenqlClientArgs) {
return createClient({
url: `https://${shopifyDomain}/admin/api/2024-07/graphql.json`,
headers: {
"X-Shopify-Access-Token": accessToken,

That's it, let's glue all together:


export const loader = async ({ request }: LoaderFunctionArgs) => {
return handleLoaderRequest(request, async (shopifyDomain) => {
const shop = await findShop(shopifyDomain);
const genqlClient = createGenqlClient(shop);
const queryResult = await genqlClient.query({
shop: {
id: true,
return `This request is from shop ${}.`;

Nice, now time for some questions.

What about the billing api?

The authenticate.admin() call also returns the billing object, that allows you to handle all aspects of your app's billing, but it is just a wrapper for some graphql mutations, like appPurchaseOneTimeCreate and appSubscriptionCreate, you can handle them with Genql as well.

I also use some actions in my app!

The process to handle actions request is the same, but you just need to check for the method of the request:

type PostHandler<T> = {
POST: (shopifyDomain: string) => Promise<T>;
type PutHandler<T> = {
PUT: (shopifyDomain: string) => Promise<T>;
type PatchHandler<T> = {
PATCH: (shopifyDomain: string) => Promise<T>;
type DeleteHandler<T> = {
DELETE: (shopifyDomain: string) => Promise<T>;
type RequestHandlerMap<PostResult, PutResult, PatchResult, DeleteResult> =
PostHandler<PostResult> &
PutHandler<PutResult> &
PatchHandler<PatchResult> &
export async function handleActionRequest<
PostResult = never,
PutResult = never,
PatchResult = never,
DeleteResult = never,
request: Request,
map: RequestHandlerMap<PostResult, PutResult, PatchResult, DeleteResult>,
) {
const requestMethod = request.method as keyof typeof map;
const requestHandler = map[requestMethod];
if (requestHandler) {
const shopifyDomain = await requireShopifyDomain(request);
return await requestHandler(shopifyDomain);
throw methodNotAllowed();

You can update all your actions like this:

export const action = async ({ request }: ActionFunctionArgs) => {
return handleActionRequest(request, {
POST: async (shopifyDomain) => {
// logic for the POST method
DELETE: async (shopifyDomain) => {
// logic for the DELETE method

Do I need the record of the shop to be in my db?

Yes, since it is not possible to use the app bridge to get the session the only possible point is your db.

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