This site is built with There is no database for the posts, instead the posts are written directly in MDX.
The transformation from MDX to the component is done with the following function:
_31type FrontMatter = {_31 title: string;_31 description: string;_31 published: Date;_31 isFeatured: boolean;_31};_31_31export const getMdxFile = async (file: string) => {_31 const filePath = path.join(process.cwd(), `posts/${file}.mdx`);_31 const postContent = (await readfile(filepath)).tostring() _31 return bundleMDX<FrontMatter>({_31 source: postContent,_31 mdxOptions(options) {_31 return {_31 rehypePlugins: [...(options.rehypePlugins ?? [])],_31 remarkPlugins: [_31 ...(options.remarkPlugins ?? []),_31 [_31 remarkCodeHike,_31 {_31 theme: "one-dark-pro",_31 lineNumbers: true,_31 showCopyButton: true,_31 autoImport: true,_31 },_31 ],_31 ],_31 };_31 },_31 });_31};
The function simply reads the content of the post, delagating the real transformation to mdx-bundler.
The deploy is done with Coolify, running on an hetzener vps.